Writer, Researcher, and Social Media Personality living with Dysautonomias: Pure Autonomic Failure (PAF); Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS); Gastroparesis; and Autoimmune Disorders. *MissNikkiAnn was previously diagnosed with Shy-Drager/Multiple Systems Atrophy (MSA), the deadliest of all dysautonomias.
For those interested in taking the journey with Omacine, we'll view her life through many different avenues. The first installation is in the form of a journal entry. Please be kind and thoughtful when reading Omacine Buckeye's stories. A busy mom, I have NO time to edit her stories (as I use my free time to edit my novel). I am carving out a small portion of my writing time to update her story, so you will be viewing this raw and unedited. This is about the story and not about the grammar; so don't email me with corrections!! LOL! As usual, feel free to pass this along.
And so I present to you...
Omacine Buckeye