Grocery shopping did not go as planned. I felt like such a liar as I strolled through the store with my list. I watched as skinny women pushed their carts around with fresh fruits and veggies. There was no way I was going to do the same--I would have gotten stares from everyone in the place. And I could imagine they'd be thinking:
She's knows she's fat, there's no way she's eating that healthy stuff in her cart. If she were eating it she wouldn't be as fat as she is. I did get the low sodium luncheon meat and the diet soda, though. I'm hoping that will be a step in the right direction. I was glad it wasn't low fat luncheon meat, it would have been embarrassing to stand there in my fat glory and ask the deli guy for LOW FAT anything. So tonight it's fried chicken from
We Fry It Up.
But now, as I think about it, I wished I'd had the courage to purchase the healthier items. Hmph, courage.